vs_baseball_b1 by vsbot12 [on steroids] - How to Play: Due to the restrictions of my resources and capabilities, I created an unorthodox, yet fun version of classic baseball. Slayers must pick all Eightballs and assemble in the field w/ vampires. The teams must always remain uneven with vampires having 1-3 players on their side and slayers stacking with 2-7+ players. Due to certain restrictions, slayers are always batters and vampires remain in the field. Once teams have been decided and the first batter steps up, extra players must sit on the team benches provided. The first batter draws his stake and waits for a vampire to throw a pitch. Like I mentioned before, resources are limited and I had to use my imagination. So, rather than throwing a baseball, a vamp he throws himself instead. From the mound, the vampire leaps into the stake/bat of the slayer up to bat. The slayer swings, hits, and tries to run to first base. Now you're probably wondering how someone can get an out while running bases if there's no ball. Well, thats the fun part. See, the vampire's claws take the part of baseman and ball. So this authorizes the vampire to kill a slayer running for a base. To limit the power vampires have on the field, it's against the rules for a vampire to leap at a runner. He's restricted to running at him no matter how far apart they may be. Also runners can use secondary attack to swat vampires away from them as they run for the base. - Other Stuff: *Pitcher can't steer himself in the air after being struck by the bat. He must let the hit finish its own course until he makes contact with the ground. * This map was intended for Laz before he left but I didn't get to finish it to my sloppy errors causing long compile times. ==== Resources: Models - Snatched from vs_cityliving ==== Thanks: Sobek, Dita, and J-Dubb for info. Also thx to all the testers and people whose pics are in the hidden room.