vs_bitten by JMW (Justin Michael Wright) --check out www.jmwrightdesigns.com for more by JMW vs_bitten info -------------- Time took to create: on and off for a couple months. Time took to compile: about 30 mins. Custom anything: A few custom textures & sounds...see below for more. Special Areas: None, what you see is what you get. Concept: I went for a dirty/dark feel. This map is a cross between a rundown city & an underground cavern. Slayers start out on the street while the Vampires are in the heart of the tomb. Other Maps: de_lunar, de_bumrush, cs_lgn. -All can be found at jmwrightdesigns.com Stuff in the zip: maps --------- vs_bitten.bsp vs_bitten.txt waypoints - 2 files overview ------------ vs_bitten.bmp vs_bitten.txt sounds ambience ------------- ramm - exerpt from a rammstein song freaky - created by JMW monster cave - dled off some free halloween sound site flies - came with hl/cs drip - came with hl/cs wind - think its from de_torn.zip flame - came with cs torn ambience - from de_torn.zip lava - got it off the internet, some free .wav site truck engine - again i think from de_torn.zip textures ---------- all included in the .bsp, majority are from cs/vs/hl/dod/ts mods. If I used a texture from someone else's map and forgot to give credit, send me an email at justin_wright_2107@yahoo.com and I will give credit. pre-fabs ---------- truck1 truck2 - got off of gamedesign.net - I forget the creators names...sorry. Big thanks to RouteTwo, Sobek, and everyone else in the Vampire Slayer Forums for all of the help making this map that much better. -JMW 2003 www.jmwrightdesigns.com for game audio, levels, and art.