vs_desolation by JMW (Justin Michael Wright) --check out www.jmwrightdesigns.com for more by JMW vs_desolation info -------------- Time took to create: on and off for a couple months. Time took to compile: about 3 hrs, ridiculously long due to how its basically 1 big open area. r_speeds & FPS are still good. Custom anything: A few custom sounds...the radio broadcast taken from Night of The Living Dead. There are some clips of people screaming that I got off the internet. Also, a 10 second clip of some rock tune, I have no idea who its by. Special Areas: None, what you see is what you get. Concept: This map was originally designed to feature the bike in Chapter 6. I wasnt able to test the bike in game until after most of the map was created...and I then realized I made the roads too small. Instead of reworking the whole thing, I left it as a 'classic' style VS map. I then went on to create vs_roadster, which was tailored specifically for the bike. This map, vs_desolation, is a rundown town that has been taken over by vampires. Enjoy. Notes: This map was created for VS Chapter 6 my JMW. I didnt spell check this .txt, so excuse any errors. Other Maps: Too many to list. VS/MS/CS/DMC/Q3/BG -All can be found at jmwrightdesigns.com textures ---------- all included in the .bsp, majority are from vs/hl/dod/they hunger mods. If I used a texture/model from someone else's map and forgot to give credit, send me an email at justin_wright_2107@yahoo.com and I will give credit. -JMW 2003 www.jmwrightdesigns.com for game audio, levels, and art.